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2020 AMHA / AMHR Mare

Phillia Blazes Joe Dandy  x  Majolicas Natalie Wood

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JS Order Aug0290.jpg

Annie is filly straight from my wildest dreams. I have always longed to have a "Joey" filly of my own, but they are so sought after and treasured that one rarely becomes available. But I never thought I would have the opportunity to breed one of my own mares to him, let alone get a stunning, tiny and exotic faced filly.  
I can not thank Margot Cahill enough for the once in a lifetime filly, and the privilege of breeding to Joey!
Aside from Annie being a gorgeous filly in h
er own right, her bloodlines are what dreams are made of to cross on Shetland blend lines to create the exotic yet balanced horses we so admire in todays showring. I can hardly wait to see what element she brings to our program and the foals she can produce in the future.


2022 AMHR Area 8 SUPREME Under

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